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Current, Thoughtful, Engaging Responses

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Tips for Tough Conversations
How do you approach
conversations with others? It is one thing to have the information you need,
but what about having the right attitude? Jesus inst...

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Rapid Response: Is an Explanation Needed for the Universe?
Objection: The Anthropic
Principle Objection (APO hereafter) says we can only observe properties of a
universe that is consistent with our existence....

blog post
Did the Bible Borrow from Near Eastern Cultures?
Guest Writer: Greg Ryan
As I went to get a haircut following a final exam, I never
expected to have a conversation about Utnapishtim or Gilgam...

blog post
Hume’s Argument Against Miracles: A Short Answer
What did David Hume believe? In general, Hume was a skeptic who demanded scientific evidence for any truth claim (see Empiricism or Scientism).[1]If ...

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The Possibility of Miracles Given the Christian Theistic Worldview
Atheists frequently argue that the Christian worldview is unintelligible. One atheist, A.C. Grayling asserts “reason must be rigorously tested by its...

blog post
Are the Gospels Biographies?
Here are some facts about the Gospels:
1. The life of the main character (Jesus) is not covered in chronological order in all the Gospels.
2. ...

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Jesus' Resurrection—Originally Mystical or Material?
Asking the Right Question
It is virtually undisputed that the original disciples had experiences which led them to believe that Jesus had been rai...

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Apologetics, Paul, and the Areopagus Part 2
In my last article (www.thedailyapologist.com/apologetics-paul-and-the-areopagus) I discussed how the apostle Paul sought the most effective place to...

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Richard Dawkins and Down Syndrome
Several years ago, famous atheist, Richard Dawkins generated quite a firestorm when he tweeted that it was immoral not to abort a child with Down Syn...
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