Our Blog
Current, Thoughtful, Engaging Responses

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Rapid Response: Does Suffering Make God Implausible?
You do not need a degree in philosophy to recognize that our world is plagued with suffering. Most people experience intellectual tension when th...

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Did Muhammad Borrow from Apocryphal Christian Sources?
Muslims believe the Qur’an is the eternal, perfect word of God, revealed to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. If this is the case, then we would expect ...

blog post
How Do You See the World?
From time to time, I have the opportunity to ask a group of Christians to tell me about the world—what is it like? Answers range from beautiful to un...

blog post
Rapid Response: Is the Qur'an Inspired?
According to Islamic tradition, the angel Gabriel revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad, the last and greatest prophet of Allah. Muslims view it as the pur...

blog post
What is Hedonistic Utilitarianism and is it Livable?
Three weeks ago, I was traveling to the Central Church of Christ in Augusta, GA, to speak on the resurrection of Jesus. I made a stop to get lunch ab...

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Why Would God Create Hell?
Guest Writer: Christine Moore
Why would a loving God create hell? This is a question many atheists, agnostics, and even believers, ask. It’s a...

blog post
Apologetics, Paul and the Areopagus—Part 3
This is the third and final installment of this series
examining apologetic insights from Paul’s discourse at the Areopagus as
recorded in Acts 17:22...

blog post
Rapid Response: Is Paulogia Right?
The following is a response to a portion of the following video by popular internet skeptic and content creator Paulogia: https://www.youtube.com/wa...

blog post
Was Hitler a Christian?
Critics of Christianity offer
numerous arguments against the Christian faith, some more thoughtful and
coherent than others. A popular tactic is to c...
Providing Christians with intellectual and personal preparation needed to grow, proclaim, and defend the Christian worldview.
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