Our Blog
Current, Thoughtful, Engaging Responses

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If God Exists, Why Does He Seem So Hidden?
“Where is God?” “If he exists, why does he seem so hidden?” This is one of the chief atheistic objections to the existence of God. However, Atheists ...

blog post
In Defense of Penal Substitutionary Atonement
In Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the
Mission of the Church, Belousek argued that penal substitutionary atonement
is not...

blog post
Rapid Response: Was Jesus Thrown into a Mass Grave?
One of the common responses to the discovery
of Jesus’ tomb being empty is that Jesus was never ceremoniously buried but
rather thrown into a ma...

blog post
A Cruciform Perspective on Evil and Suffering
Evil and suffering are problematic. I have become increasingly suspicious of simplistic answers people offer to problems of pain (human and non-human...

blog post
Three Reasons Why the Apocrypha Doesn't Belong in the Bible
The Apocrypha has been accepted as Scripture by different
church traditions for centuries. The Roman Catholic Church has given it
“deuterocanonical” ...

blog post
Answering The Bodily Autonomy Argument for Abortion
The case for abortion can be handled rather simply from a scientific perspective. Even arguments
against the unborn’s
personhood shouldn’t intimidate ...

blog post
Is Nothing Forbidden?
Teen Vogue, a magazine written for teen girls, published an article on April 26thtitled “Why Sex Work is Real Work.” The author, Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng...

blog post
The Question Christians Can't Answer
The Euthyphro dilemma is
sometimes cited to support the proposition that it is impossible to depend on a
Divine command (God’s words/judgments) for a...

blog post
Can One Argue from a Finite Effect to an Infinite Cause?
A frequent objection to causal arguments for God’s existence is that theists are arguing from material effects known in time to an immaterial, infini...
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