Our Blog
Current, Thoughtful, Engaging Responses

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Are the Gospels Fake News?
In a previous blog, we noticed that the traditional case for the resurrection of Jesus consisted of a three-step argument:
The gospel accounts are aut...

blog post
Bart and the Bible
Professor Bart Ehrman was once a self-described born-again, Bible-believing Christian, many years ago. He is now a self-proclaimed agnostic. After des...

blog post
"Lost" Gospels: Objections to the Gospel of Peter
In my last blog, we looked at the question, “What is the Gospel of Peter?” and noted its history of discovery and its similarities with the four canon...

blog post
If God is in Control Do We Have Free Will?
A “will,” Jonathan Edwards said, is “that by which the mind chooses anything.”[1] God’s will cannot be thwarted[2]because He is sovereign (1 Chr. 29:1...

blog post
"Lost" Gospels: What is the Gospel of Peter?
Since the turn of the century, people have speculated about how the “lost” books of the Bible might have radically transformed Christianity and the wa...

blog post
Why Does The Resurrection Matter?
The fact of the resurrection of Jesus is “of first importance” to the Christian claim that Jesus of Nazareth is “the Christ” (1 Cor. 15:1-4; Mt. 16:16...

blog post
Unreasonable Faith
What indeed hath Athens to do with Jerusalem? – Tertullian[1]
He who believes needs no explanation. – Euripides[2]
If one claims knowledge either in t...

blog post
Which Humans Are Persons?
A few posts back, we explored the issue of abortion in light of New York State’s recent decision to legalize the practice from conception to birth. To...

blog post
Liberation from the Libet Studies: Four Reasons they Don't Disprove Free Will.
What are the Libet Studies? In 1965, Kornhuber and Deecke used an Electroencephalogram to monitor brain activity prior to wrist flexion. They document...
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