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Science Assumes God's Existence
In many popular atheistic circles, “science” is seen as the only avenue of all truth while religion offers no grounds for truth. Take for example this...

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What is The Apologetics Report?
The Christian apologetics community produces a ton of material every week. This fact may be a surprise to some, but it shouldn't be. Apologetics is th...

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Five Distinctions of Early Christianity
When it first appeared, Christianity must have seemed like a strange religion. Christians had very different concerns and behaviors from their pagan n...

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Don't Take Offense. Make A Defense.
A common tactic of atheists and skeptics is to say that Christians are crazy to believe what they believe. It happens all the time around the internet...

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What did Jesus Say (Or Not Say) About Homosexuality?
Supporters of same-sex marriage sometimes make the argument that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality or same-sex marriage and, therefore, Ch...

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In Defense of the Innocent: A Response to Governor Cuomo
On January 22, 2019, New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, signed a bill which legalized abortion up until the point of birth. He said that this bill ensur...

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Two Crucial Misunderstandings Culture Has About God
Culture has been described as a river we are all floating on. If this is true, there are two questions we must ask: 1. Where are we drifting?; and, 2....

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Is It Arrogant To Know God Exists?
Another problem with only accepting knowledge that comes from the senses is that the claim “knowing that God exists is arrogant” cannot be tested with...

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Is Belief In God A Mental Crutch?
One of the charges frequently raised against theism is that it serves as a mental crutch for those who need help coping with life. Sigmund Freud wrote...
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