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The Elephant in Religion's Room
We live in a “COEXIST” society, meaning that all religions are on par with each other. No one religion has exclusive rights on being right! A year ago...

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Jesus and the "Myth of Redemptive Violence."
In talking about the sacrifice of Jesus (technically known as penal substitutionary atonement), some have objected to the teaching that Jesus had to d...

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Was Christopher Hitchens Right About God?
The late Christopher Hitchens was fond of saying that God’s kingdom is:
a celestial dictatorship, a kind of divine North Korea: greedy for uncritical ...

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The Bible and the Book of Mormon
One of the most popular religions in the United States and the world is the Mormon religion. Like any religion, Mormon’s have sought to show that the ...

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Psalm 16 and the Resurrection of Jesus
The typically conservative and world renown apologist William Lane Craig wrote on his website, “The older view that sees the origin of the disciples’ ...

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Three Reasons I'm Thankful for Apologetics
It is invigorating, edifying, and soothing to my soul. It causes me to be in awe of the great sustainer; the alpha and omega; the beginning and the en...

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Opinion: The "John 3:16" Tactic Doesn't Work
Several years ago, a non-Christian friend of mine asked me, “Why do you believe in God?” I answered, “I believe in God because of what the Bible says”...

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Who is Saved by the Atonement of Christ?
John 3:16 states that God loved the world so much he sent his one and only Son. But this raises a significant theological question: who is saved?
The ...

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Three Question to Ask Skeptics.
Face-to-face dialogue can be intimidating! Jesus told his followers that they were to go into all the world and preach the gospel (Mt.28:16) Peter imp...
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