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Current, Thoughtful, Engaging Responses

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What Marine Boot Camp Taught Me About The Beginning of the Universe
Did the universe begin to exist? This is an all-important question because if the universe began to exist, it begs the question “who or what caused th...

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God's People and Propitiation
John wrote, “My little children, I am writing you these things so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Je...

blog post
What Boot Camp Taught Me about Apologetics
Ccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhh, went the air brakes on the bus as we finally slowed to a stop. As a figure thundered onto the bus, with speed and intensity, th...

blog post
I Disagree With Oprah about "Your Truth"
What is truth? Pontius Pilate asked this question 2,000 years ago and it is still an all-important question today. Is truth fluent and subjective or i...

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Does the Doctrine of Penal Substitution Grant Universal Salvation?
A common objection to the doctrine of penal substation is that it leads to the unbiblical idea that all people will be saved, and therefore, it must b...

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"That What Written So Long Ago!" Doesn't Work As An Objection to Gospel Reliability
One of the common objections regarding the historical reliability of Gospels is how far removed we are from the writings. About a week ago, I was talk...

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Does Pragmatism Work as a Moral Ethic?
What is truth? What if I told you truth is based on what works for an individual person in dealing with reality or accomplishing particular tasks. Tha...

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Does Christianity Have an Answer to the Emotional Problem of Evil?
Any minister will tell you, the most gut-wrenching experience is helping families navigate the passing of a loved one who has died from a deadly disea...

blog post
The Problem of Evil: The Evidential Argument.
Previously, I examined thelogical problem of evil and God’s existence and showed that it doesn’t undercut the existence of God. However there is anoth...
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