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Book Review: Evidence That Demands A Verdict (Revised and Updated)
What if I told you there was one book that could answer all your burning questions about Christianity? Would you be interested? Would you be open to t...

blog post
It’s Not Fair, and It’s Not My Fault!
The morality of today’s culture is a funny thing; one minute everyone is free to live however they see fit, and then in the blink of an eye someone is...

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Thomas Nagel's Mind and Cosmos: A Review
(Image Credit)[1]
Thomas Nagel (BPhil Oxford, PhD Harvard) is University Professor in the Department of Philosophy and the School of Law at New York U...

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5 Reasons Why Some Christians Reject Apologetics
In their excellent book Reason for Our Hope: An Introduction to Christian Apologetics, H. Wayne House and Dennis W. Jowers offer five reaons why some ...

blog post
Three Reasons the Disciples Did Not Hallucinate
If you perceived that you saw a dead man walking, what is more likely: 1) you were hallucinating or 2) you saw correctly? Most people would say they w...

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What's Happening in Culture? Pt. 1 - 6 Descriptions of Postmodernism
To understand what is happening in culture today, we must make some effort to familiarize ourselves with and make sense of something called postmodern...

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The Moral Argument: Does God Explain the Existence of Objective Moral Truths?
In our previous blogs, we have seen that objective moral truths exist. We have also seen that moral naturalism, ethical subjectivism, cultural relativ...

blog post
Don't Mix and Match!!!!
“You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind…nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of mate...

blog post
"Why Faith Matters" Book Review
Is faith important? The past few decades (nay, centuries?) have brought us to the point where faith in something beyond our senses is seen as irreleva...
Providing Christians with intellectual and personal preparation needed to grow, proclaim, and defend the Christian worldview.
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