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The Moral Argument: Are Objective Moral Truths Just Brute Facts?
The Brute Fact response is the last refuge of the atheist or agnostic who seeks, without God, to affirm the existence of objective moral truths. What ...

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The Moral Argument: Does Utilitarianism Explain the Existence of Objective Moral Truths?
Utilitarianism is an ethical theory which says that right or good is whatever causes the greatest amount of flourishing for the greatest number of peo...

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Apologetics and Archaeology: Why Does It Matter?
The word “archaeology” often conjures images of treasure, booby-trapped tombs, and gun-toting adventurers. Unfortunately, films such as Tomb Raider, T...

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The Moral Argument: What About Cultural Opinion and Man-made Law?
Some believe that society makes the moral rules. This view is known as conventionalism or cultural relativism. On this view, it is argued that agreeme...

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I Don't Have Enough Faith to Believe the Atheist's Definition of Faith
In his book, A Manual for Creating Atheist, famous atheist Peter Boghossian defines faith by stating, "The word “faith” is a very slippery pig. We nee...

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The Moral Argument: Do Individual Opinions Determine Right and Wrong?
Individual Opinion, it is sometimes suggested, accounts for the existence of moral truths. This view, called ethical subjectivism, argues that moral t...

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The Moral Argument: Does Moral Naturalism Explain the Existence of Objective Moral Truths? Pt. 2
Another problem for Moral Naturalism as an explanation for the existence of objective moral truths can be called the Value Problem. Central to any suc...

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Welcome to Splitsville! Why We're Divided on Cultural Issues.
What if I told you there's been a massive split which has shaped western civilization over the last two-hundred years? What if it wasn’t post-modernis...

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Love Thy Body: A Review
I intentionally waited to post a review of this book because I knew there would be need for a reminder of it after the book went on sale. This is one ...
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