Our Blog
Current, Thoughtful, Engaging Responses

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Three Common Objections to the Ontological Argument
Even though we have now concluded the presentation of the modal ontological argument for God’s existence, it is important to also answer objections to...

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Are You Absolutely Sure Truth is Absolute?
Truth is unassailable. It is not possible to attack the truth (capital T), without making use of truth claims. Consequently, attacks on truth generall...

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Closing Time: The Ontological Argument Part 5
In the previous blog, the controversy over the truth of the premises was narrowed to premise 1: It is possible that a maximally great being exists. To...

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Aren't We All Atheists?
About two years ago, I was having a conversation with my friend Sean Nagel about the existence of God and the Christian worldview. Sean is an atheist ...

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Lego My Universe!
Is the universe contingent? Is it ever valid to infer from part to whole? The short answers are yes and yes. But, please read on.
It is regularly clai...

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What is Maximal Greatness? The Ontological Argument (Part 4)
As we saw in the previous blog, if the modal ontological argument had nothing else going for it, it would at least be logically valid. Logical validit...

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My Response to Richard Carrier
Eleven days ago, I wrote a blog in which I asserted that those who claim the first premise of the Kalam Cosmological Argument (“whatever begins to exi...

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What Do You Mean By "Apologetics?"
A Friend and Home-schooling Mom Asks: "What do you mean by Apologetics? When I think of apologetics I think of like science, and creationism, and thos...

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4 Lessons in Practical Apologetics
Let’s face it, the temperature surrounding disagreements in our culture is hot! It seems every time we turn on the T.V. or even talk to people who are...
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