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Current, Thoughtful, Engaging Responses

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Marine Artillery and the New Testament
Artillery is a scary occupation in the Marines because you’re relying on people, and people often make mistakes. During the firing of a round, Forward...

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Possibility to Actuality? The Ontological Argument (Part 3)
Up until this point, we have been laying the ground work for the ontological argument without really knowing how it all contributes to the outcome of ...

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Possibility to Actuality? The Ontological Argument (Part 2)
In the last blog, we explored the philosophical tool of modal logic known as possible worlds. Basically, those things that are possible are said to “e...

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Undesigned Coincidences in the Bible
We live in an age where the reliability of the Bible is under attack due to the writings of many New Atheist and even some prominent agnostics. Many a...

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Three Times I Was Thankful for Apologetics
1. That Time When I Got Divorced I wasn’t always interested in apologetics. Ten years ago or so, I wasn’t studying apologetics at all. In fact, I didn...

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What is Penal Substitutionary Atonement? Does the Bible Teach It?
There are several models for understanding the nature of the atonement. Some see the atonement as a ransom of sinners by Christ. The theory of “Christ...

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The Kalamity of Naturalism: To Infinity and Beyond....God?
A popular objection to the second premise of the Kalam Cosmological argument (“the universe began to exist”) is that the universe is eternal. This obj...

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Three Reasons Why We Need Apologetics. By Sean Coley
There is a cliché that says, “the more things change the more they stay the same”. This is true to the debate between theist, atheist, and agnostics. ...

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Popular Myths for Rejecting Christianity
We live in a world where truth is often seen as impossible to know or questionable at best. Some falsehoods have deep roots and are commonly held. The...
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