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What Is Divine Command Theory and Is It Viable? Part 2
As noted in our previous blog, The Euthyphro as it is called asks the following questions: Is something good because God wills it? Or, does God will i...

blog post
What Is Divine Command Theory and Is It Viable? Part 1
Divine Command Theory (DCT) holds that God’s will (the sum of His commands)[1] determines the moral law. To obey God is to be moral and to disobey God...

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"It Doesn't Get You To God!"
Have you ever had a conversation with someone and it just doesn’t go anywhere? You know what I mean, right? You know, you’re discussing your goals, an...

blog post
So Many Variants, So Many Manuscripts, No Problem.
One of the common objections raised against the reliability of the New Testament is the amount of “errors” within the manuscripts. For instance, in Ba...

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Do Christians Live in a World of Make-Believe?
According to Dr. Peter Boghossian, professor of philosophy at Portland State University and author of the influential book A Manual for Creating Athei...

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Why the Incarnation?
John 1:14 tells us that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace...

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How to Build a Worldview
In his excellent book Christian Apologetics, Dr. Douglas Groothuis gives eight criteria for evaluating a worldview.1 As you build your worldview,...

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Fact-Checking Islam
Like Christianity and Judaism, Islam is a historically-based religion. Because the Qur’an and those who adhere to its teachings make claims about hist...

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It's Ok to Want Christianity to be True
“You don’t really believe in Jesus because it’s true! You believe because you NEED to.” Skeptics often raise this kind of charge against Christians—a ...
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