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N.T. Transmission Doesn't = "Telephone"
One of the most common objections Christians hear to the viability of the Christian worldview focuses on the New Testament. Specifically, many skeptic...

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Can We Trust Luke's Eyewitnesses?
In prefacing his Gospel, Luke indicates that his orderly account of the life of Jesus was based at least in part on his investigation of the things ha...

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There Are No Appeals to Faith in Science!....Except the Multiverse.
In a recent debate with apologist Blake Giunta, famous atheist Matt Dillahunty, (while talking about whether faith in God is rational or not) stated, ...

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Does Brain Damage Negate Free-Will?
Free Will (FW) requires that some set of human actions be free from event-causation. If it were shown that no such actions exist, then FW would be dis...

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10 Questions Apologist "Don't Like"....But I'll Answer: Part 3
So, far in our blog series I’ve answered the firstsix objections laid out by YouTube personality PineCreek. I’ll wrap up the series today and hopefull...

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Three Secret Ingredients to Successful Apologetics
By Forest Antemesaris
Posted By: Dean Meadows
Everyone wants to know what the easy path to success is. The truth is, in the realm of apologetics, ther...

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Feelings and Actions
Does it matter how I feel if I don’t act on those feelings? Is it ok to hate if I don’t act on that hate? Is it ok to covet if I don’t steal? Is it ok...

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Passion Isn't Proof
Passion isn’t proof. A false premise is still false whether it is delivered with the rousing rhetoric of a politician or the monotone voice of Rosey t...

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Ad Hominem
While talking with people with whom you disagree, you might come across someone saying something like this: “Well, you’re not qualified, so I don’t ha...
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