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The Gospel Without the Gospels
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
Some 20 to 30 years after the events of the Gospel, Paul confirms many Gospel events in the epistles of Romans, Gal...

blog post
Can We Understand the Trinity?
How can Christians affirm both the oneness of God and the Trinity? The Trinitarian nature of God is confusing and mysterious. Some have rejected the ...

blog post
The Church Fathers Believed that Jesus’ Resurrection Body and Appearances were Physical
Skeptics attack the Christian claim that Jesus was resurrected bodily in many ways. Some, for example, grant many of the facts surrounding the resurr...

blog post
What My Debate Taught Me About Evangelism
This past Thursday, I was honored to
participate in a debate about the resurrection of Jesus, on the campus of
Rogers State University (watch on our ...

blog post
Outgrowing Dawkins
In an
interview with New Scientist journalistGraham Lawton, Richard Dawkins
discusses his new book, Outgrowing God: A
Beginners Guide.[1]
The intervie...

blog post
Dear Richard Dawkins, Matthew Wrote Matthew.
In Richard
Dawkins’ recent video promoting his new book, Outgrowing God: A Beginners
Guide, Dawkins reveals his motivation for another book about God...

blog post
Undesigned Coincidences: Why Did Jesus Wash the Disciples Feet?
The question of the Gospel’s reliability is often the subject of many skeptical objections. One way of answering some of these objections is by a...

blog post
Fast Facts on "Lost" Books of the Bible
In the discussion of the biblical canon, we can hardly
escape the questions concerning the so-called lost books of the Bible. They
include works such...

blog post
Rapid Response: Does "Four Corners of the Earth" Refer to a Flat Earth?
The Bible refers to the “four corners of the earth” numerous
times. Some have argued that this phrase indicates the biblical authors
believed in a fl...
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