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Is the Fine-Tuning Argument Question Begging?
Throughout the last couple of weeks, I have been in conversation with a gentleman named Rich. Rich (an atheist) seems like a very nice person, and I h...

blog post
Is O.T. Slavery the Same as American Slavery?
may be no greater counter-apologetic against Christianity than the subject of
Old Testament slavery. Skeptics often say, “My morality is better...

blog post
Was Madonna Right? Is the World Just Material?
famous female pop artist, Madonna, once sang, "Cause we're living in a
material world, and I am a material girl." While Madonna's song focused on...

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Fulfilled prophecies are an incredible apologetic force to prove the existence of God and the deity of the Lord Jesus. One of the areas of Jesus’ lif...

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That's Embarrassing! Why Does the Bible Say That?!
It was a beautiful day in Colorado. Spring was wrapping up, and my wife, my best friend, and I were looking forward to a day of fishing in the mounta...

blog post
Is the Bible a Book of Fables?
Critics can be misguided in their
attempts to discredit the Bible. A common claim is that the Bible is a book of
Jewish fables. The late Christopher ...

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To Our Loved Ones—Thank You.
Being an
apologist is not easy. Writing, travelling, meetings, studying, debating, and
online trolls can be taxing. How does the team at The Dail...

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The Value of Irrelevant Details in the Bible
Lets say, for the sake of example, that I was stranded on the proverbial desert island. This island, however, is special because I am not entirely cu...

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What Atheists Fear Most
"Unabashed atheist" Ron Reagan, Jr.'s recent commercial in behalf of the Freedom From Religion Foundation raises a common theme amongst atheists: the...
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