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An Objection to Fine-Tuning
Photo Credit: www.timezone.com
The late Christopher Hitchens once noted in the documentary Collision Course that the best argument for a divine creato...

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The Need for Apologia: Guest Writer Taylor Abrams
To give a little background of myself, I am a twenty-three-year-old, who grew up in the church. I was baptized at the age of eleven for the remission ...

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Question of the Week: Adam, Eve, and the Races of Mankind?
Was an entire race of men and women created on day 6 of Genesis 1? Is the creation of Adam and Eve in the garden a separate account at another time in...

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Marine Training and Christian Evangelism
It was a brutally hot day in the summer of 2005. I was at Marine Corps Recruiting Depot Parris Island, SC getting ready for a milestone in the life of...

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Few people know what it is like to eat, sleep, and wake up in a war. As a member of the United States Marine Corps Reserve serving with Hotel Battery ...

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Design and Designer
Photo Credit: NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Our universe is a marvelous thing to behold. The way life around us operates seems to indicat...

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Clues to God; or, Why Does God Hide?
photo by markusspiske
I don’t know much about astronomy, so if I were to look through a telescope out into space, I couldn’t tell you what was a plan...

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Book Review - Philosophy of Religion by Louis Pojman
This is one of those rare books that once you start, you don’t want to put down. With Louis Pojman’s Philosophy of Religion, the reader is introduced ...

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The Truth about the Jesus Myth
Many Christians are unaware that an increasing number of people in the world see Jesus as nothing more than a mythological figure. A recent study cond...
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