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A Brief Consideration for Inspiration
photo by Pexels
The Bible is one of the most read books of all time, and at the same time one of the most disputed. Questions are always being asked w...

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A Review of Stealing From God by Frank Turek
Stealing From God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case by Frank Turek
(Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2014; 304 pages)
After recently hearing Fr...

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Bart and the Bible
Photo Credit: Realclearrealigion.com
Professor Bart Ehrman was once a self-described born-again, Bible-believing Christian, many years ago. He is now ...

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The Academic Battleground and the Need for Philosophical Training
Photo Credit: Palm Beach Atlantic University
What do we think of when we see the word “philosophy” on the screen? Do we imagine old, gray-haired men b...

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The Moral Argument for God's Existence Means Big Problems: Part 2
The notion of morality can easily be said to affect every person every day. One cannot simply escape its cognizant force. As a result, there seems to ...

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Tactics by Gregory Koukl
Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Gregory Koukl
(Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2009; 208 pages)
Years ago, I found myse...

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When Jesus Never Met Osiris
A couple of days ago I watched a debate between a famous Christian and atheist philosopher about the existence of God. In his opening session, the ath...

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Is God a Kim Jong Un in the sky?
The late, by many lamented, Christopher Hitchens was fond of saying that God’s kingdom is:
a celestial dictatorship, a kind of divine North Korea: gre...

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Pascal's Wager, or Philosophy Is Hard
photo by annca
Philosophy is hard. I try to understand it, really. There are some things I can hold on to. Just this morning I read Thomas Aquinas’ “T...
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