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Is the Bible Narrow-Minded?
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
Is the verse above narrow-minded? Many would a...

blog post
Why Archeology?
By: Brian Cunningham
Archaeology cannot prove the Bible is true. However, this doesn’t mean that it isn’t critically important for establishing the re...

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One More Thing.....
By: Jason Hyde
“Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so th...

blog post
Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways
“The existence of God can be shown in five ways.”[1] So begins “The Five Ways” by Thomas Aquinas. It is impressive that such a feat can be accomplishe...

blog post
I'll Have the Lamb Saag-a! or 5 Myths Told About Jesus Over Indian Food Pt. 2
Myth #3 — Jesus was a Bodhisattva
In Buddhist doctrine, a Bodhisattva is a an individual on the path to becoming a Buddha—that is, an enlightened pers...

blog post
I’ll Have the Lamb Saag-a! or 5 Myths Told About Jesus Over Indian Food Pt. 3
Myth #5 — Jesus was an Avatar of Lord Vishnu
Vishnu, in Hindu faith, is a principal deity who, along with Brahma and Shiva, forms the Hindu trinity.1(...

blog post
I’ll Have the Lamb Saag-a! or 5 Myths Told About Jesus Over Indian Food Pt. 1
Jesus and Krishna1((http://www.zrarts.com/Krishna-and-Jesus/))
The Pan-Indian lore concerning Jesus is as rich as the best Indian buffet. What we migh...

blog post
Is Naturalism and the Existence of Morality a Contradiction?
Photo: Pixabay.com
All persons subscribe to a worldview, a way of looking at the world and everything in it as a filter of how we understand the origi...

blog post
The Teleological Argument: Evidence for Fine-Tunining
Paul Davies, physicist and agnostic towards the existence of God stated, “I wrote that the universe looks as if it is unfolding according to some plan...
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