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Current, Thoughtful, Engaging Responses

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Book Review: Evidence That Demands A Verdict (Revised and Updated)
What if I told you there was one book that could answer all your burning questions about Christianity? Would you be interested? Would you be open to t...

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The Most Important Question
We are a people plagued with questions. It seems as though we all have them, but few answers. We are so used to asking and answering, whether it be in...

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21st Century Atheism: Street Epistemology
photo credit: coffeechats.org
According to the website www.streetepistemology.com, “street epistemology”
…refers to a conversational technique introdu...

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Evolution Isn't the End: Why Christian Apologetics is More than Just Defeating Darwinism
The other day, I was at a hospital visit, and I was telling a lady about Apologia Institute; I laid out our mission and our goals, to which she respon...

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Lose Your Illusion
An illusion is “1. An instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience; 2. A deceptive appearance or impression; or, 3. A fals...

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The Logical Problem of Evil
Photo Credit: Inspiredwalk.com
Few arguments have undercut Christian's faith as much as the problem of evil. This argument appeals to both the mind an...

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That's so Meta!
Photo credit: Imageflip.com
You've heard of Metaphysics. But, you may have been afraid to ask what it is. Well, here’s the thing—you’re already doing...

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We Have a Conventionalism Problem!
“I’m not rigid.” “That is so old-fashioned.” “Those people are so archaic!” In our society, we often hear these objections used regarding Bible princi...

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Mental States, Intentionality and the Soul.
Those holding to a strict naturalistic worldview-a philosophical position that there are no mental life, no immaterial, supernatural reality- run into...
Providing Christians with intellectual and personal preparation needed to grow, proclaim, and defend the Christian worldview.
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