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Was the Death of Jesus Cosmic Child Abuse?
The atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the central theme of the entire Bible. His death on the cross was a once and for all sacrifice which allowed ...

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The Future is Bright!
I can’t believe it has been 10 months since Apologia Institute launched! It has been a very successful first ten months. Looking forward, we are excit...

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Truth in the Toilet?
It’s a good time to be interested in archaeology. In an age where some critics immediately dismiss the Bible as myth, archaeology has provided some fa...

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Plutarch’s Apologetic for New Testament Reliability
When talking about the New Testament with skeptics, I’m often confronted with something along the lines of, “The New Testament writers never cite thei...

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Is the New Testament Copies of Copies of Copies?
A big criticism of the Bible today is that is that the New Testament manuscripts we have are just copies of copies. Pretty soon you get copies that ar...

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Should We Judge Others?
photo by qimono
"You shouldn't judge!" One of many battle cries of this current generation. However, considering recent events involving Harvey Weinst...

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Do the Libet Studies Disprove Free Will?
What are the Libet Studies? In 1965, Kornhuber and Deecke used an Electroencephalogram to monitor brain activity prior to wrist flexion. They document...

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Stolen Valor and Forged Gospels?
Stolen Valor is a situation where a regular civilian, with no military experience, dresses in a service uniform wearing ribbons, medals, badges, or pa...

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Advice for the Discouraged Apologist
Apologetics is the hardest and most interesting thing I’ve ever tried to do (besides marriage, parenting, some friendships, dog-training, and Boolean ...
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