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Current, Thoughtful, Engaging Responses

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What if Evolutionary Naturalism is Self-Defeating?
There isn't a typo in the title but rather a genuine question that is often ignored. It is simply taken at face value by theist and skeptics alike tha...

blog post
What to do When Life Hurts: A Lesson from Habakkuk
What do we do when life hurts? Sometimes life hurts so much that we question the existence of God. How could the omniscient and omnipotent God allow s...

blog post
Four Truths about the New Testament Every Christian Should Know
People love diversity. When it comes to music, cuisine, clothing styles, or any other aspect of culture, variety can be a beautiful thing. When it com...

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The Kalamity of Atheism
Questions about the origin of the universe have been at the center of humanity's curiosity from the time humanity's existence. With such curiosity, th...

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Bill Cosby and the Reliability of the Gospels
This past Thursday, the world learned that famed actor and comedian, Bill Cosby was found guilty of sexual assault. Cosby faces up to 30 years in pris...

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Book Review: Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions About Life and Sexuality
I intentionally waited to post a review of this book because I knew there would be need for a reminder of it after the book went on sale. This is one ...

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Discourse on Doubt
A Discourse on Doubt
Is there anything more catastrophic than doubt? It can make us uncomfortable, seemingly shipwreck our faith, and cause hours of m...

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Four Apologetics Mistakes to Avoid
Four Apologetics Mistakes to Avoid
Every Christian is at some point involved in the task of defending the faith. We should always be prepared to “make...

blog post
The Power of "Change Over Time"
It’s tempting sometimes to reduce one’s own position in some matter of importance to such a simplistic description that no one could possibly disagree...
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