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The Kalam and the Kalamity of Atheism
Dan Barker is one of the world’s leading atheistic spokesman and debaters. In 2009, Barker released his book, Godless: How an Evangelical Preacher Bec...

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Undesigned Coincidences and the Reliability of Scripture
We live in an age where the reliability of the Bible is under attack due to the writings of many New Atheist and even some prominent agnostics. Many a...

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Christ, Crucifixion, and Contradiction
Each year about this time there are a plethora of shows, blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos either supporting or denying the resurrection of Jesus. Recen...

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The Apologetic of Kindness
Let’s face it, the climate surrounding disagreements in our culture is hot! It seems every time we turn on the T.V. or even talk to people who are clo...

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Don't Mix and Match!
"You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind...nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of ma...

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It is What is on the Inside that Counts
The Mystery of Consciousness
One of the debates in the philosophy of mind and cognitive neuroscience is the mystery regarding the nature of consciousn...

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Question: What Makes a Person a Person?
Quick question: What makes a person a person? Is it size? Weight? Color? Background? In the last blog, I discussed how the fact-value split that influ...

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The Fact-Value Split: Abortion
In the last blog I (Dean) wrote, I mentioned that since the time of the Enlightenment, there has been a fact-value split, which at a basic level state...

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Welcome to Splitsville! Why Is Society So Divided On Cultural Issues?
What if I told you there has been a massive split which shaped western civilization over the last two-hundred years? What if it wasn’t post-modernism,...
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