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Current, Thoughtful, Engaging Responses

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Do Extraordinary Claims Really Require Extraordinary Evidence?
One of the specific arguments against the resurrection of Jesus is that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” This saying, largely ma...

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6 Reasons Why Belief in God Makes the World a Better Place
In Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong, Louis Pojman notes six reasons why belief in God motivates moral behavior:[1]
If there is a God, then good wil...

blog post
What is Free Will?
As discussed in our last blog, Free Will is necessary for moral responsibility. Many grant this fact but dispute the meaning of Free Will. So, what is...

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Marine Artillery and the New Testament
Artillery is a scary occupation in the Marines because you’re relying on people, and people often make mistakes. During the firing of a round, Forward...

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Elmer Fudd Philosophy
Growing up, I watched Loony Toons, a cartoon show that would make me laugh every Saturday morning. My favorite cartoons were the ones that featured Bu...

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Are You an Accidental Christian?
Several years ago, I was journeying home after my first year of Bible college, traveling from Colorado to Virginia. It was a long, arduous drive (over...

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Some After-Conference Thoughts
As I was gathering some books together to get signed by some of my favorite authors, I paused. “Is this a bit over the top? Am I geeking out too much?...

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Why Does Free Will Matter?
Ask most philosophy professors today and they will tell you humans are wholly physical (Physicalism or Materialism). Man, like all other things in the...

blog post
The Reality of Modern Morality: How Did We Get Here?
We see the disintegration of our countries moral compass daily. Many argue that there are no such things as objective moral values and duties, but rat...
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