“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
Is the verse above narrow-minded? Many would affirm that it is. To claim that there is only one way to God is against much of what today’s culture believes, granting they actually believe in God. But, can we say something is narrow-minded if it is true? Is it narrow-minded to look at a blue balloon and say it is blue and only blue? If we are thinking rationally, we would say that is not narrow-minded, but simply the truth of the matter. And so, we find our foundation: if it is true, it is not narrow-minded. This says nothing of how someone presents the truth, but that it is true is what is important here.
If something is true it is true for everybody, everywhere. The problem today is not with truth, but with what someone chooses to believe is true. Just because a group may choose to believe the blue balloon is another color does nothing to change the truth that the balloon is blue. So, what does this have to do with the narrow-mindedness of the Bible? Well, if the Bible is true, then it is not narrow-minded, no matter how many people choose not to believe it.
But, you may ask, why is the Bible the only religious text from God? Why can’t they all be true? The answer is simple: because they teach contradictory things. If the Bible teaches the of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, and the Qur’an teaches Jesus never died on the cross, then one is right and the other is wrong, or they are both wrong. But one thing is certain: they cannot both be right. This does not mean truths cannot be found in other religious texts, but if the Bible is true, then anything that contradicts the Bible is false.[1]
How do we know if the Bible is true? We must examine the evidence. That evidence is documented elsewhere. The point we want to make here is that it is unreasonable to charge someone with narrow-mindedness if the truth is on their side.
[1]Zacharias, Ravi, and Norman Geisler, editors. Who Made God? Zondervan, 2003, p. 138.
Is the Bible Narrow-Minded?
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Is the Bible Narrow-Minded?

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