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Forest Antemesaris
Board Member
Forest Antemesaris
Forest Antemesaris is a graduate of Freed-Hardeman University and preaches at the Orange Street church of Christ in Auburndale, FL. Formerly an atheist, Forest's interest in apologetics and worldview development is motivated by his life experiences.
Blog Posts authored by Forest

blog post
Three Reasons Why Secular Humanism Fails
The search for meaning and morality without God is not new. Describing such efforts as secular humanism, however, is. Many modern thinkers, in an effo...

blog post
Why Doesn't the Bible Address Modern Atheism?
The Bible and Practical Atheism
“The fool says in his heart,” declares the psalmist, “there is no God” (Ps 14:1). While the Bible doesn’t have the mod...

blog post
What Would it Take for You to Change Your Mind?
Often in discussions the question is asked, “what would it take for you to change your mind?” Though this question is not always asked with honest mot...
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